The name of the Society will be, “The Dermatopathology Society of India” (“DSI”).
Dermatopathology shall pertain to clinical diagnosis, histological diagnosis and their correlation, and also related diagnostic modalities and advances like molecular biology, immunohistochemistry, microbiology, electron microscopy and other techniques that are necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.

To advance knowledge in the field of dermatopathology, and to disseminate such knowledge in India and abroad.
To establish, operate, promote, run, maintain and manage programs engaged in advancement of research and teaching pertaining to dermatopathology and its related disciplines.
To conduct conferences, refresher courses, workshops, lectures, seminars, demonstrations and exhibitions relating to dermatopathology and related disciplines.
To promote, develop and improve scientific exchange of knowledge as well as technical cooperation between similar research Institutions in India and abroad.
To raise funds from various sources from time to time for the purposes of the society upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed reasonable.
From time to time, to organize medical camps, diagnostic sessions, and teaching seminars in different parts of the country to provide free aid to the poor and downtrodden & improve diagnostic services for them without distinction of caste, creed, or religion.
To interact with Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL), Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists (IAPM) and other national and International bodies involved with or interested in promoting research and teaching of pathology of the skin.


There will be following classes of members:
1. Founding Members will be the group of members who will establish the society. These will constitute a governing council for a period of two years. This council will write the constitution of the society, register it, initiate a membership drive, and, conduct national elections to an executive body, which will thereafter run the affairs of the society as per the approved constitution. The founding members will thereafter, be known as FOUNDING FELLOWS. They will retain all the powers and rights of ordinary fellows.

2. Fellows: Each applicant for fellowship should show a demonstrable/provable interest in Dermatopathology, as evinced by at least two of the following criteria.

Significant publications in dermatopathology.
Specialised training/certification in this field.
At least 10 years experience in diagnostic dermatopathology (clinical and/or histological).
Experience in research in dermatopathology.
Members can apply for fellowship either immediately on fulfilling any of the above criteria, or after 10 years of ordinary membership.

3. Members - Persons eligible for ordinary membership should have an interest in dermatopathology with any one of the following:

Post-graduate qualification in the field of Pathology and allied specialities/subspecialities.
Post-graduate qualification in the field of Dermatology and allied specialities/ subspecialities.
Post-graduate qualification in other fields of medicine.

4. Honorary fellows: Any person whom the Governing Body considers fit, by virtue of his having rendered outstanding services to the cause of the Society or speciality may be elected as an Honorary fellow. However, they shall not vote or hold office.

5. Associate Members: Postgraduate students in the specialities of Dermatology and Pathology. Others, as found suitable from time to time, will be considered by the executive committee on a case to case basis. They shall not vote or hold office.


Any person belonging to the categories listed above and wishing to enroll himself as a member would be required to apply with his bio-data on a prescribed proforma through one of the fellows of the society.
All applications will be scrutinised by a membership committee, to be constituted for this purpose, and them evaluated by the executive committee, which will decide & confer the fellowship or membership, as deemed fit.

The fellowship fee will be Rs. 4500 (including life membership of Rs.3000).
The membership fee will be Rs.3000 for life membership.
The fee schedule can be altered suitably by the executive body at any time.

Amended to Rs 8000 for life membership by the General Body

(Please visit the membership page to see the current fee)

The membership of the Society will cease
by voluntary resignation giving one month’s notice
by reason of the member being of unsound mind or having been indicted for infamous acts or such acts violating the objectives of the Society or bringing the Society into disrepute. This will be decided by the Executive Committee and then the General Body after giving the member due opportunity of explanation.
The appeal and readmission of such members will be considered by the executive and if approved, the case will be treated as a fresh admission to the association. The person would be required to apply with his bio-data on a prescribed proforma through one of the fellows of the society. The decision would be made by the members of the executive during one of their meetings or by circulation. The decision should be by at least 75% majority.

The members will be entitled to receive the circulars and relevant literature published by the association from time to time.

All members of the association shall constitute the general body
Powers and Duties/functions of the general body
To elect the executive body by consensus or by election. Honorary fellows and associate members shall have no voting rights.
Notice and periodicity of the meetings
There will be a Meeting of the General Body held once every year. Notice of 15 days for the meeting shall be sent by the secretary.

The following will be entitled to attend this meeting and form the General Body
Founding Fellows
Honorary fellows (non-voting)
Associate members (non-voting)


At the meeting of the General Body the following business will be transacted:
Election of the Executive Council, which will function for two years.
Presentation of Annual Report and Financial Statement as approved by the executive council.
Appointment of an auditor
Any other matter which the executive council decides to put up to the general body.

Extraordinary meeting:
An extraordinary meeting of the general body may be convened at any time by the President/Secretary for any purpose connected with the society, or on written request signed by at least one quarter (1/4) of the voting members.


Office Bearers:
President (One post)

Vice-President (One post)

Secretary (One post)

Joint Secretary (One post)

Treasurer (One post)

Member of the executive council (Eight posts)

Regional representatives may be co-opted as member of the executive council as and when required. They will not have any voting rights.

The election proceedings, duly signed by the outgoing office bearers, will be filed in the office of the registrar immediately after the elections are held.
The minimum and maximum strength including office bearers.
The minimum strength of the executive committee including office bearers shall be nine members and the maximum strength shall be thirteen members.

Election and its mode
The election of the office bearers of the executive committee shall be by secret ballot. The secretary shall be the returning officer of all election except when he is contesting for any office. In that case, the executive shall appoint a suitable returning officer.

The terms of office of the office-bearers shall be for two years. They will be eligible for re-election any number of times.
A casual vacancy in the office of any office-bearer may be filled up for the remainder of the term by election in accordance with the provisions laid down in these rules, or by nomination from the executive committee.
For the initial three year term of the Society, the terms of the secretary, treasurer, joint secretary and executive members shall be for a period of three years. The President shall hold office for one year, after which, the two vice-presidents, in order of seniority, will be President for one year each. After demitting office the Presidents shall remain on the executive body as “ex-president.”


The President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the General Body, and of the Executive committee. He shall sign and execute all contracts or other instruments in the name of the Society and shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the society, subject to control by the executive council and shall perform other such duties as may be prescribed by law or these rules and regulations. In every case of voting, the president will have a vote; in every case of a tie the President shall have an additional or casting vote.

The Vice-President: The Vice-President shall, in the President’s absence, carry out the duties of the President.

The Secretary shall be the general Executive Officer of the Society under the direction and subject to the control of the President and the Executive Council.

He shall direct the work of all the employees under him. He shall have the power to appoint and terminate the services of employees.

The Secretary shall sign cheques alongwith the Treasurer; he shall certify to the accuracy of all the bills subject to the approval of the Committee and shall furnish at each meeting of the Committee a financial statement. He shall not incur extraordinary expenditure without the sanction of the executive council except for the purpose of holding the annual or other meetings which he may do with the concurrence of the honorary Treasurer.

He shall be responsible for the general supervision and formulation of the Society’s work and programmes and shall submit at the meetings of the Executive council a report and recommendations in regard thereto and he shall present an annual report at the Annual Meeting of the General Body giving a general review of the work of the Society during the preceding year. He shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the General Body and Executive Committee. He shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these rules and regulations or as required by the law. He shall be the custodian of the seal of the society and shall see that it is affixed to all documents the execution of which under the seal of the Society is duly authorized. He shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society and keep the necessary records.

In general he shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the General Body or by the Executive committee or as are prescribed by law or by these rules and regulations.

Joint Secretary: In the absence of Secretary, the Joint Secretary will carry out the duties of the secretary. He shall submit this recognition to President of society.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due to the Society, have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds, securities, receipts and disbursements of the Society and shall deposit all moneys and other depositories. He shall receive and give receipts for payments made to the Society and shall take and preserve proper receipts for all moneys disbursed by the Society.

He shall render a full statement of the financial condition of the Society whenever requested to do so by the President or by the Executive Committee. He shall sign the cheques alongwith the Secretary. He, in consultation with the secretary, can hold an imprest amount of upto Rs.1000/- for out of hand expenses.


Resolution may be passed as per the simple majority of the members present. A notice of 15 days sent by the secretary shall be necessary for the meeting.
For the quorum, two third members should be present. If for any reason, quorum is not completed on the date and time, the meeting shall be adjourned and the adjourned meeting shall be held on the same day after half an hour.

The secretary will make appointments to fill the casual vacancies and will get approval from the executive committee in the next meeting for the period till the next elections are held.


Any office bearer may resign at any time. Such resignation shall be in writing and shall take effect upon its acceptance by the executive council.


1. When the term of their election is over.

2. If by resolution, the general body decides by a 3/5 majority of members present that such office bearer or bearers be removed from office. At least one quarter (1/4) of the total membership must be present at such a meeting.

Income of the society
The income and property of the society whensoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the society set forth in the Memorandum of the Association and no portion by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise shall be paid to any persons, who at any time are or have been members of the Society or to any of them or to any person claiming through them, provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any employee (office or servant) of the society thereof or to any other person outside the society in return for any services actually rendered to for and on behalf of the society, of interest or money borrowed by or of the purposes of the society from any person whether a member of the Society or otherwise.

Management of Funds:
The funds of the Association may be raised in the following manner:
Membership Fee
Other sources of income etc.
All income shall be deposited in the Bank account of the association

Operation of the bank account:
The bank account of the society shall be operated by the treasurer and any one of the President, Secretary or other executive member as decided by the executive committee.

The Accounts of the Society shall be audited by person nominated by the executive committee. The audited accounts must be presented at the annual general body meeting.

1. The approval of at least ¾ of the members is required to change the objectives of the Society. Absent members must give their approval in writing. All the amendments whatsoever shall be carried out in accordance with section 12 & 12A of the Societies Registration Act.
2. A majority of three fourths of the votes cast is required to change the rules or bye laws.

The society shall sue or be sued in the name of the President or such person as shall be appointed by the Governing Body for the occasion. The jurisdiction will be the courts of the NCT of Delhi.

Annual list of the managing/governing body
Once a year a list of Executive Committee containing names and addresses and occupations with designation of the office bearers and members shall be filed in the office of the Registrar of Society in compliance of the Societies Registration Act.

If it is decided by 3/4th majority of General Body that the Society should be dissolved, the balance property after clearance of all debits and credits concerning the Society cannot be distributed among the members of the Society. The property with the consent of ¾ members can be transferred to any other institution having similar objectives.

All the provisions of the Societies Registration Act of 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act, 1957) as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi shall apply to this Society.

AMENDMENTS Any amendment in these memoranda, rules and regulations will be carried out in accordance with section 12 & 12 A of the Societies Registration act, 1860, as applicable to the NCT of Delhi.