Forthcoming meetings
Dermatopathology Workshop
AIIMS, New Delhi, May 11-12, 2025
In collaboration with the IADVL, Delhi State Branch and SIG-Dermatopathology (IADVL Academy), the Society is organizing a worksop with glass slide viewing and discussion, award papers and a quiz for postgraduate students.
Click on the thumbnail to view a flyer for the meeting.
Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India
New Delhi, 2025
The annual meeting of our Society will be held in New Delhi in the second half of 2025.
Details will be provided here, when available.
Previous meetings
Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India
Visakhapatnam, January 3-5, 2025
The annual meeting of our Society was held in Visakhapatnam in January 2025.
Click here for a flyer with details about the meeting.
Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India
Kolkata, November 17-19, 2023
The annual meeting of our Society was held in Kolkata in 2023.
Click here for the brochure providing information about the meeting including registration and programme details.
Click here for the scientific programme
Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India
PGIMER, Chandigarh, November 18-20, 2022
The annual meeting of the Society was held in Chandigarh.
Click here to view the brochure with information about registration, abstract submission and timelines.
Click here to visit the conference website
National Mid Term Dermatopathology CME and Workshop
NEIGRIHMS, Shillong, April 29 and 30, 2022
This meeting was organized and hosted by Departments of Pathology & Dermatology, NEIGRIHMS, Shillong under the aegis of our Society and co-organised by Dept of Histopathology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh India.
Click here for the brochure with information on the scientific programme.
Dermatopathology Workshop-cum-CME
VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, April 9, 2022
This meeting was jointly organised by the departments of dermatology and pathology, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital and National Institute of Pathology under the aegis of our Society and the SIG Dermatopathology (IADVL Academy) and IADVL, Delhi State Branch.
Click here for the brochure with information on the scientific programme.
Online Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India
AIIMS Jodhpur, January 14 and 15, 2022
The meeting was attended by 230 registered delegates and had a rich scientific programme consisting of lectures, digital slide discussion and glass slide challenge along with award papers, free papers and posters.
Click here to view the scientific programme.
Joint DSI-IADVL, Goa CME on Dermatopathology
Online, September 19, 2021
Organised in association with the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, Goa State Branch, this joint online CME had lectures on Pigmentary disorders and Micropapular eruptions by Dr Sujay Khandpur and Dr M Ramam, respectively. The meeting was well attended.
Dermatopathology Workshop
Rohtak, August 14, 2021
The Society held a dermatopathology workshop in the department of pathology, PGIMS, Rohtak.
Dermatopathology Workshop
Chandigarh, June 19, 2021
In collaboration with the pathology department of Government Medical College, Chandigarh, the Society held its first in-person dermatopathology workshop of 2021. Infectious granulomatous dermatitis and connective tissue disorders were discussed by Dr Debojyoti and Dr Uma Nahar. Dr BD Radotra and Dr Uma Handa presided.
Online Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India
January 15-16, 2021
The virtual annual meeting of the Society was organised by the departments of General Pathology and Dermatology of Christian Medical College, Vellore. The meeting was a great success with more than 500 registrants, several lectures from national and international faculty with live Q&A and about 160 e-poster submissions.
Click here to view the meeting brochure
Online Live Microscopy Session: Inflammatory Skin Diseases
June 13, 2020 11 am to 1 pm
In collaboration with Department of Pathology, St John's Medical College, Bangalore, the Society conducted a live microscopy session of common inflammatory skin diseases. Dr Rajalakshmi T and Dr Inchara YK were the mentors.
This free online learning module was designed for residents and junior consultants in dermatology and pathology, particularly helpful for exams. It was virtually attended by a large number of people.
Online Lecture Series
April 29 to May 27, 2020
In association with Glowderma Lab, the society arranged twice weekly dermatopathology lectures that could be viewed live, with the facility of asking questions. The recorded lectures are available for viewing by accessing the same website till November 2020.
The course co-ordinator for this series was Dr Venkataram Mysore.
Visit to access the recorded webinars.
Joint DSI-CAPP Dermatopathology Meeting: CAPPCON 2020
Kolkata, March 14-15, 2020
A dermatopathology conference held under the aegis of CAPP( Calcutta Association of Practising Pathologists) and DSI was attended by more than 180 delegates, both pathologists and dermatologists. The meeting was preceded by a glass slide workshop attended by 42 shortlisted candidates. These slides were also shared digitally with all delegates. The slide workshop was followed by presentations on important dermatopathology topics. E-posters were also presented by residents for which there prizes. An interesting quiz for post graduate students and panel didcussion on: “ Dermatopathology a matter of handholding by the clinician and the pathologist” on day 2, held the interest of the delegates till the end.
The national faculty members were Dr M Ramam, Dr Sujay Khandpur, Dr Raghavendra Rao and Dr T Santosh and the local faculty members were Dr Subhra Dhar, Dr Sukanta Chakraborty, Dr Keya Basu and Dr Bhaskar Narayan Choudhuri.
A dermatopathology conference of this scale was held for the first time in Eastern India and can be considered a run up to the Annual DSI conference to be held in Kolkata from November 20-22, 2020.
First Annual Meeting of the Asian Society of Dermatopathology and Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India 2019
New Delhi, November 15-17, 2019.
The meeting was attended by about 180 delegates from India and also from other Asian countries. Click here to go to the meeting website for information on registration, venue, abstract submission and other details.
Dermatopathology Workshop-cum-CME
New Delhi, Saturday, July 27, 2019
A one day workshop-cum-CME was organised at Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi with slide viewing, lectures and a quiz for postgraduates.
Click here for the brochure that provides details of the meeting.
Basic Dermatopathology Workshop-cum-CME
Visakhapatnam, Sunday, June 30, 2019
A workshop cum CME was organized in Visakhapatnam, with the primary aim to teach the basics of dermatopathology including identification of the normal structures in the skin. ‘Hands-on’ and live microscopy sessions were part of the program. Click on the thumbnail below for the brochure with information about registration and other details of the meeting.
Click on the thumbnail to download the brochure
Dermatopathology Workshop
Dehradun, Saturday and Sunday, April 27-28, 2019
This workshop was held in the Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, organised in association with SIG, Dermatopathology and IADVL, Dehradun. It consisted of slide viewing and discussion and lectures. There were exam-based lectures and a quiz for residents.
Click here for the brochure with information about registration and other details of the meeting.
Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India 2018
Navi Mumbai, December 7-9, 2018.
The meeting was held in Dr D Y Patil Medical College.
Click here for the brochure for information about registration and other details.
Click here for the scientific programme.
Dermatopathology Workshop
Allahabad, Friday, March 23, 2018
The meeting was organised jointly by the departments of Dermatology and Pathology, Moti Lal Nehru Medical College, Allahabad and included basic lectures, glass slide viewing, and slide discussion.
Basic Dermatopathology Workshop cum CME
Jodhpur, Saturday, March 17, 2018
The meeting was organised jointly by the departments of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology and the department of Pathology, AIIMS Jodhpur and included basic lectures, glass slide viewing, slide discussion and a PG quiz.
Click here for the brochure that provides additional information,
and click here for the scientific programme.
Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India 2017
Pondicherry, December 1-3, 2017
The annual conference consisted of lectures, slide viewing and slide discussion, glass slide challenge, free papers and poster presentations, and a quiz for postgraduate residents. Lectures on "dermatopathology for beginners" were held during the slide viewing sessions. About 200 delegates attended the meeting.
Click here for the brochure that provides details on the registration and abstract submission process. The scientific programme is available here.
CME in Dermatopathology
New Delhi, February 18-19, 2017
The CME was organized by Dermatopathology Society of India in association with SIG Dermatopathology (IADVL Academy) and IADVL Delhi Branch on February 18-19, 2017 at AIIMS and India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. It was attended by 150 delegates. Lectures were delivered by 17 faculty members of international and national repute.
A slide viewing session was held at AIIMS, New Delhi on February 18, where all delegates looked at glass slides under the microscope. There were 32 slides that covered a wide range of dermatoses, these being contributed by faculty members from all over the country. A lecture series on “Dermatopathology for Beginners” was introduced, in which 3 faculty members made presentations on basics in dermatopathology including normal skin structure, infiltrates in the skin and histological reaction patterns. These were delivered thrice to groups of 50 delegates each during the microscopy session.
The lectures were held at Juniper Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on February 19. All slides viewed the previous day were discussed in detail by the contributing faculty. Lectures were also delivered on various topics ranging from horizontal sections on scalp biopsies for alopecia, cutaneous spindle cell tumours, sebaceous proliferations, hypopigmented dermatoses, nail processing and inflammatory nail diseases and unusual bullous lesions.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks.
International Dermatopathology Conference and Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India 2016
Chandigarh, November 11-13, 2016
The departments of Dermatology & Pathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh hosted the meeting which included slide viewing sessions, followed by discussions on the findings in the slides, and didactic lectures by experts in the field, both national and international. Additionally, there was a pre-conference workshop in the forenoon of November 11, 2016 on in-vivo diagnostic procedures with a focus on dermatoscopy.
The scientific programme is available here.
XXXVI Symposium of the International Society of Dermatopathology and Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India
New Delhi, November 19-21, 2015.
Click here to reach the meeting webpage which has information about some aspects of the conference.
Dermatopathology Workshop and Dermatology CME
Chandigarh, April 18-19, 2015
Organised by the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in collaboration with the Government Medical College, Chandigarh, under the aegis of our Society, the dermatopathology workshop consisted of slide viewing followed by slide discussion and lectures by faculty, Dr Rajalakshmi, Dr Radotra, Dr Harsh Mohan, Dr Ramam, Dr Ramesh, Dr Uma Nahar and Dr Sudheer Arava. More than 250 delegates, dermatologists and pathologists, from all over the northern India were in attendance. Other highlights were clinicopathological correlations by senior residents, quiz for postgraduates where 16 teams participated in the prelims and 5 teams were selected for the final rounds, and poster presentation where 22 posters were put up by postgraduates. The delegates participated with enthusiasm till the end of the day, sessions were interactive and the lecture theatre was full.
Joint DSI-SIG-IADVL Microscopy Session at DERMACON 2015
Mangalore, February 13-14, 2015
Our Society, in collaboration with the SIG Dermatopathology and the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and L eprologists conducted a Microscopy Session in the department of pathology, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore on the sidelines of the national conference, as we have done at other such meetings in the past. The session was attended by over 300 delegates.
Dermatopathology Workshop
Guntur, December 21, 2014
IADVL, Andhra Pradesh and the departments of Dermatology and Pathology, Guntur Medical College, in association with our Society hosted a one-day Dermatopathology workshop on December 21, 2014. Dr. Sasi Attili and Dr M Ramam from the Society conducted a microscopy session followed by slide discussion and lectures. Dr C Padmavathi Devi of Guntur Medical College presented a lecture.
International Dermatopathology Conference and Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India 2014
Bangalore, November 14-16, 2014
The International Dermatopathology Conference and Annual DSI Meeting, organised by the departments of Pathology & Dermatology, St. John’s Medical College & Hospital in association with DSI, was held at the St. John’s College auditorium.
A hands-on pre-conference workshop on immunofluorescence techniques in the diagnosis of bullous diseases was held on 13th November.
The conference started on 14th November, with around 450 delegates participating. Aside from the faculty lectures, the programme included slide viewing, the “ glass slide challenge”, quiz and the newly introduced PG debate. 32 free papers and 83 posters were presented during the conference.
Dermatopathology Workshop
Bhopal, August 30, 2014
The departments of Dermatology and Pathology, AIIMS, Bhopal in association with our Society hosted a one-day Dermatopathology workshop on 30th August, 2014. Dr. Manoj Singh conducted an interactive slide seminar and there were lectures on various topics.
Dermatopathology Workshop
Silchar, July 12, 2014
In collaboration with the BARAK chapter of the Northeastern IADVL States branch, our Society organised a one-day workshop in dermatopathology at Silchar Medical College and Hospital.
A total of 30 slides, comprising a mix of both classical and challenging cases, were discussed by Prof M Ramam and Dr.Subhra Dhar. In addition, there were lectures on "An introduction to dermatopathology" by Prof Debashis Datta and 'A dermatologist's approach to vasculitis' by Prof Ramam.
Microscopy Course in Dermatopathology
Bangalore, May 13-14, 2014

St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore in association with Dermatopathology Society of India conducted the microscopy course in Dermatopathology for the second consecutive year on 13th and 14th May, 2014. The faculty comprised of Dr. Rajalakshmi T, Dr. Inchara YK (Pathologists) and Dr. Meryl Antony (Dermatologist).
The course focussed on algorithmic approach to inflammatory skin diseases. There were short lectures on each of the patterns, time for self study of slides at individual microscopes and live projection of the same along with slides of pertinent differential diagnoses. A unique feature of this course was the take-home slide box of 30 cases provided to each participant.
There were 25 participants from all over the country, a mix of postgraduates, junior and senior consultants of both Pathology and Dermatology. The faculty were kept on their toes during the self-study time, with many questions asked and doubts clarified. It was a satisfying experience for both delegates and faculty and the feedback received was very encouraging.
CME Update in Dermatopathology
Ahmedabad, February 22, 2014
In collaboration with the departments of Dermatology and Pathology of the Smt NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahemdabad, our Society conducted a day-long dermatopathology workshop and CME. Dr M Ramam served as the DSI resource person at the meeting.
International Dermatology Update
Chennai, February 9, 2014
Our Society participated in a session at this meeting organized by the Indian Society of Teledermatology. One of our senior members, Dr Mithilesh Chandra made a Skype presentation on Virtual Microscopy from Delhi to delegates in Chennai.
International Dermatopathology Conference and Annual Meeting of the Dermatopathology Society of India 2013
Jaipur, November 15-17, 2013
The annual meeting followed our time-tested format of microscopy and slide discussion, basic and advanced lectures, poster and award paper sessions and a quiz. With an impressive array of international and national speakers, this was an academically rewarding conference.
Dermatopathology Workshop and CME
Aligarh, September 28, 2013
The department of Pathology, JN Medical College, Aligarh organised this meeting in collaboration with our Society. The workshop consisted of microscopy followed by slide discussion by faculty from the department and the DSI represented by Dr Manoj Singh and Dr Mithilesh Chandra.
Dermatopathology Workshop at the IAPM(WB) Annual Conference
Siliguri, September 6, 2013.
The department of Pathology, North Bengal Medical College and the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (West Bengal chapter) organized this workshop in collaboration with our Society as part of the Annual State Conference in Siliguri. The workshop consisted of slide microscopy followed by discussion of the cases conducted by faculty from the Society, Dr Subhra Dhar and Dr Sudheer Arava.
Dermatopathology CME
Belgaum, June 15 and 16, 2013
The dermatology department of JN Medical College, Belgaum in association with the IADVL, Karnataka Branch, SIG Dermatopathology and the Society organized a meeting that included basics-oriented lectures, free papers and a quiz for postgraduates along with slide microscopy and discussion sessions.
Microscopy Course in Dermatopathology
Bangalore, April 12 and 13, 2013
This two-day microscopy course in dermatopathology focussed on the algorithmic approach to inflammatory skin diseases for a small group of post-graduate students and junior faculty of pathology and dermatology.
Joint DSI-SIG-IAPM Microscopy Session at DAPCON 2013
New Delhi, February 23, 2013
Our Society, in collaboration with the SIG Dermatopathology and the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists, Delhi Chapter conducted a Microscopy Session in the department of pathology, AIIMS as part of the pre-conference CME. The session was well appreciated by delegates.
Sister Society Session, Microscopy Session at Dermacon 2013
Ahmedabad, January 25 and 26, 2012
The sisiter society session on Novel Clinico-pathologic Observations was well attended and elicited considerable interest in the audience.
A smaller number of people attended the microscopy session held some distance away from the conference venue. Delegates found the range of slides displayed interesting and challenging. Our thanks to Dr Nailesh Shah, Head and other members of the staff of the Pathology Department, Smt NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad for their help in making this session a success.
Dermatopathology Workshop at Cuticon WB 2012
Kolkata, December 21 and 22, 2012

A workshop consisting of a microscopy session at IPGMER followed a day later by discussion of the slides was held as a part of the annual meeting of IADVL, West Bengal Branch. The workshop was organized by the departments of dermatology and pathology of IPGMER, Kolkata and conducted by faculty from the Society and the SIG, Dermatopathology, Dr Pijush Datta, Dr M Ramam and Dr Subhra Dhar.
Joint Dermatopathology Workshop at Cuticon Odisha 2012
Cuttack, December 15 and 16, 2012

In collaboration with the IADVL, Odisha Branch, our Society organised a workshop consisting of microscopy and slide discussion sessions. About 100 delegates attended the workshop which was conducted by Dr V Ramesh, who was the Society's resource person at this workshop.
Dermatopathology CME
October 28, 2012, Pune

A dermatopathology CME was organised by the department of dermatology, Smt Kashibai Navale Medical College, Pune in association with the IADVL, Maharashtra State Branch and the Dermatopathology SIG.
The 2 day meeting, attended by about 180 delegates, covered many topics of interest to both trainees and consultants.
Virtual Conference
September 7, 2012, Chennai, New Delhi and Bangalore
Venkataram Mysore and associates in Bangalore in the panel on the left, Mithilesh Chandra and M Ramam in New Delhi in the panel on the right, as seen by the audience in Chennai.
Our Society, along with the SIG Dermatopathology, participated in a virtual conference as part of Telederm India 2012, the 3rd National Conference of the Indian Society for Teledermatology held in Chennai.
Dr Mithilesh Chandra and Dr M Ramam made a presentation on " A look at granulomas using virtual microscopy: a technology for the new millennium". The presenters were in New Delhi while the audience was in Chennai and Bangalore. The technical aspects of the audio and video transmission were handled well with only a minor hitch when switching from the camera to the presentation on the laptop which was quickly fixed. The histopathological findings could be clearly made out at the remote locations in Chennai and Bangalore indicating the high quality of the transmission. The session was enjoyed both by the audience and the presenters. This is likely to be the shape of the future: virtual microscopy and tele-conferencing.

International Dermatopathology CME
August 31-September 2, 2012, Mangalore
A dermatopathology CME was held at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore in collaboration with the SIG Dermatopathology of the IADVL and Father Muller Medical College. This meeting was designated a Regional Clinico-pathologic Colloquium of the International Society of Dermatopathology.
An entire day was given over to a hands-on microscopy session which included many slides of common and interesting conditions. There was also a self-assessment section of slides. All the cases were discussed by the faculty in sessions over the next 2 days. In addition, there were lectures by international and national faculty, free papers, e-posters and a quiz. The meeting was attended by more than 400 delegates.
Joint Dermatopathology Workshop
August 18-19, 2012, Shimla
Organized in collaboration with the SIG Dermatopathology and the IADVL, Himachal, Chandigarh and Punjab branch, the workshop was held at Indira Gandhi Medical College in Shimla. There were 30 microscopes in 2 spacious labs for delegates to view the 30 glass slides of classical and interesting cases. There was adequate time to see all the cases. Slides were discussed using a microscope hooked up to a projection system allowing for all the histopathological findings on the glass slide to be shown and for doubts to be clarified. More than 50 dermatology and pathology postgraduates and consultants from Shimla, Tanda, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Patiala and Faridkot attended the workshop which was conducted by Dr Manoj Singh, Dr Sujay Khandpur and Dr M Ramam.
Our thanks to Dr Vinay Shanker, President of the Branch and his team for the effort they made to ensure everything went well. They had also arranged for wonderful weather which was a relief from the heat and humidity of the plains!
Joint DSI-SIG-IAPM Microscopy Session
March 31 2012, New Delhi
The Society collaborated with the Dermatopathology Special Interest Group of the IADVL and the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists, Delhi Chapter to organize a Microscopy Session in the Pathology Department, AIIMS followed by discussion of the cases.
This session with a low registration fee of Rs. 100 (yes, only one hundred!) targeted residents in pathology and dermatology and also consultants with an interest in the subject. The session was well attended with some delegates traveling from Chandigarh and Kolkata to participate.
Sister Society Meeting including a Microscopy Sesion
February 10, 2012 , Jaipur
A sister society meeting was held in collaboration with the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists. This included a Microscopy Session held in the Department of Pathology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur from 9 AM-3.30 AM A scientific session was held from 5 PM to 6 PM at BM Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. where our guest speaker Balbir Bhogal of St John's Institute of Dermatology, London presented an update on Autoimmune blistering disorders. This was followed by a discussion of key slides from the Microscopy Session by the faculty